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Thursday, July 8, 2010


di tulisan kali ini gw pengen mengajak kalian semua merenungi apa yang kita cari di dunia ini,,apa cita2 kita...dan gimana kita akan meraihnya

gw pengen berbagi sama kalian semua ttg jalan hidup kita masing2,,karena Tuhan sudah menggariskan kepada semua umatNya bahwa kita semua punya jalan masing2,,tapi itu akan terjadi apabila kita ada usaha utk meraihnya..tidak hanya diam dan menunggu jalan itu ada di hadapan kita

hari ini,,gw terinspirasi banget setelah nonton film yang menurut gw and temen2 gw adalah film terbaik,,film ini adalah base on true story..

judulnya adalah -PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS-

dimana film ini punya summary dan synopsis sperti dibawah ini,,semoga setelah kalian semua membacanya jadi punya inspirasi akan jalan kita masing2 dan bagaimana kita akan meraihnya...

lets move on

Based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner. Gardner has invested heavily in a device known as a "Bone Density scanner". He feels like he has made these devices. However, they do not sell as they are marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price. On top of that, one of these does not work. As Gardner tries to figure out on how to fix the faulty one and sell the others, his wife leaves him, he loses his house, his bank account, and credit cards. Forced to live out in the streets with his son, Gardner is now desperate to find a steady job; he takes on a job as a stockbroker, but before he can receive pay, he needs to go through 6 months of training, and to sell his devices.
Written by John Wiggins

In 1981, in San Francisco, the smart salesman and family man Chris Gardner invested the family savings in Ostelo National bone-density scanners, an apparatus twice more expensive than x-ray with practically the same resolution. The white elephant financially breaks the family, bringing troubles to the relationship with his wife that leaves him and moves to New York. Without money and wife, but totally committed with his son Christopher, Chris sees the chance to fight for a stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, disputing for one career in the end of six months training period without any salary with other twenty candidates. Meanwhile, homeless, he has all sorts of difficulties with his son.
Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Chris Gardner has big dreams for him and his family but it doesn't seem to come together for him. Chris has an opportunity to be a stock broker but first he has to go through a grueling internship which means no pay. Chris decides to do it but when his wife leaves and he is evicted, he has to take care of his son on his own. So they find themselves sometimes living on the street and struggling to get by. But Chris is determined to make it.
Written by rcs0411@yahoo.com

itu 3 synopsis dari orang yang berbeda,,menurut gw film itu bener2 membuat diri gw personally tergugah akan apa yang dia lakukan utk mencari jalan yang dia dambakan yaitu "KEBAHAGIAAN"

dia bener2 melakukan semuanya utk mengejar itu..dan dia berhasil dimana pada tahun 2006 dia berhasil menjual produknya dgn deal yang bernilai million US$..how amazing..
dari homeless yang harus pindah2,,dia jadi orang dan berhasil mengejar kata bahagia menurut dia..

satu hal yang gw seneng dari film ini saat dia bilang ke anaknya

"Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something. ...You got a dream, you gotta protect it... If you want something, go get it. Period"

disini dia pengen memberikan encouragement sama anaknya biar nantinya si anak bisa mengejar cita2nya dan tidak seperti ayahnya yang harus seperti saat itu..

thats a good word, i think..It brings into focus would most of us fight for what we believe in after losing a wife, losing a car, losing a home and sleeping on the streets with their son or daughter. Or would we just fold away and settle for what life give us

semoga dari film ini kita semua bisa merenung akan diri kita dan mulai berusaha sekuat tenaga utk mengejar kata BAHAGIA menurut pengertian kita masing2..jangan berdiam diri dan hanya melihat...bangun dan moving ur ass to grab that word...


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