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Thursday, December 29, 2011


For the way you changed my plans For being the perfect distraction For the way you took the idea that I have Of everything that I wanted to have And made me see there was something missing, oh yeah For the ending of my first begin (Ooh, yeah yeah, ooh, yeah yeah) And for the rare and unexpected friend (Ooh, yeah yeah, ooh, yeah yeah) For the way you're something that I'd never choose But at the same time, something I don't wanna lose And never wanna be without ever again You're the best thing I never knew I needed So when you were here I had no idea You the best thing I never knew I needed So now it's so clear, I need you here always My accidental happily (Ever after) The way you smile and how you comfort me (With your laughter) I must admit you were not a part of my book But now if you open it up and take a look You're the beginning and the end of every chapter You're the best thing I never knew I needed So when you were here I had no idea (When you were here) You the best thing I never knew I needed (That I needed) So now it's so clear, I need you here always (Now it's so clear) Who knew that I could be (Who knew that I could be) So unexpectedly (So unexpectedly) Undeniably happier Sitting with you right here, right here next to me Girl, you're the best You're the best thing I never knew I needed (Said I needed) So when you were here I had no idea (When you were here) (Said I had no idea) You're the best thing I never knew I needed (That I needed) So now it's so clear I need you here always (Now it's so clear) (So clear, so clear, I need you always) Now it's so clear, I need you here always THE SONG WAS SO TOUCHDOWN MY HEART...CANT SAY A WORD TO DESCRIBE HOW DEEP THE MEANING WE CANT SAY THAT HE/SHE IS THE PERSON BUT THE TIME WILL ANSWER AND IT WILL APPEAR IN FRONT OF US LETS FACE THE REALITY AND PURSUE THE RIGHT THINGS FOR US


Jakarta - Dandanan mentereng, rumah, dan mobil mewah agaknya sudah menjadi gaya hidup para pejabat saat ini. Masyarakat pun kembali merindukan figur-figur pemimpin yang sederhana dan pantas untuk dijadikan teladan. Suatu hari, di tahun 1950, Wakil Presiden Muhammad Hatta pulang ke rumahnya. Begitu menginjakkan kaki di rumah, ia langsung ditanya sang istri, Ny Rahmi Rachim, tentang kebijakan pemotongan nilai mata ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) dari 100 menjadi 1. Pantas saja hal itu ditanyakan, sebab, Ny Rahmi tidak bisa membeli mesin jahit yang diidam-idamkannya akibat pengurangan nilai mata uang itu. Padahal, ia sudah cukup lama menabung untuk membeli mesih jahit baru. Tapi, apa kata Bung Hatta? "Sunggguhpun saya bisa percaya kepadamu, tetapi rahasia ini tidak patut dibocorkan kepada siapa pun. Biarlah kita rugi sedikit, demi kepentingan seluruh negara. Kita coba menabung lagi, ya?" jawab Bung Hatta. Kisah mesin jahit itu merupakan salah satu contoh dari kesederhanaan hidup proklamator RI Bung Hatta (1902-1980) dan keluarganya. Sejak kecil, Bung Hatta sudah dikenal hemat dan suka menabung. Akan tetapi, uang tabungannya itu selalu habis untuk keperluan sehari-hari dan membantu orang yang memerlukan. Saking mepetnya keuangan Bung Hatta, sampai-sampai sepasang sepatu Bally pun tidak pernah terbeli hingga akhir hayatnya. Tidak bisa dibayangkan, seorang yang pernah menjadi nomor 2 di negeri ini tidak pernah bisa membeli sepasang sepatu. Mimpi itu masih berupa guntingan iklan sepatu Bally yang tetap disimpannya dengan rapi hingga wafat pada 1980. Bung Hatta baru menikah dengan Ny Rahmi 3 bulan setelah memproklamasikan kemerdekaan RI bersama Bung Karno atau tepatnya pada 18 November 1945. Saat itu, ia berumur 43 tahun. Apa yang dipersembahkan Bung Hatta sebagai mas kawin? Hanya buku "Alam Pikiran Yunani" yang dikarangnya sendiri semasa dibuang ke Banda Neira tahun 1930-an. Setelah mengundurkan diri dari jabatan Wapres pada tahun 1956, keuangan keluarga Bung Hatta semakin kritis. Uang pensiun yang didapatkannya amat kecil. Dalam buku "Pribadi Manusia Hatta, Seri 1," Ny Rahmi menceritakan, Bung Hatta pernah marah ketika anaknya usul agar keluarga menaruh bokor sebagai tempat uang sumbangan tamu yang berkunjung. Ny Rahmi mengenang, Bung Hatta suatu ketika terkejut menerima rekening listrik yang tinggi sekali. "Bagaimana saya bisa membayar dengan pensiun saya?" kata Bung Hatta. Bung Hatta mengirim surat kepada Gubernur DKI Ali Sadikin agar memotong uang pensiunnya untuk bayar rekening listrik. Akan tetapi, Pemprov DKI kemudian menanggung seluruh biaya listrik dan PAM keluarga Bung Hatta. Bung Hatta adalah pendiri Republik Indonesia, negarawan tulen, dan seorang ekonom yang handal. Di balik semua itu, ia juga adalah sosok yang rendah hati. Sifat kesederhanaannya pun dikenal sepanjang masa. Musisi Iwan Fals mengabadikan kepribadian Bung Hatta itu dalam sebuah lagu berjudul "Bung Hatta". Terbayang baktimu, terbayang jasamu Terbayang jelas jiwa sederhanamu Bernisan bangga, berkapal doa Dari kami yang merindukan orang Sepertimu

Thursday, February 24, 2011


those 2 words that i've used as my title have a very2 big meaning in our life..dont even try to move forward without consider that words because if we arent pay attention with any single activity without apply that words, it would be even worst.

each word have a different meaning but close to another..

in our life, we are sometimes forgot to apply that word and it makes what are we plan to do wont going like what we want.
pay attention with that word...

i will try to explain what the meaning of that words because today..im still applying that words..hard but i have try...

this word have many meaning according to people that i asked,,most of them said that word patient had meaning of emotion control or demolish the bad tempered. For me personally, patient could have wide meaning depends on where we use that word. Patient has an important part in our life, it could affect our behaviour towards better life and lead us to obtain more friends. In this life, that word is hard to apply because we need to learn how to control our emotion or control our tempered. I'm sure that everyone is keen to be patient although its hard. But if we can apply and make ourself to be patient to face anything that appears in our face, the life will flow like a water in the river, no many threat and we can solve the problems as soon as possible. so lets we try to learn how to be patient.

this kind of word have a similar meaning with patient but its still different because big heart have a deeper meaning than patient. My colleagues said that big heart could be a personality or character of someone that appears in theirself because they had an experienced that make ourself need to have a big heart. In my opinion, To have a big heart means never to be disheartened. To have a big heart means to have good wishes constantly for others and to enable others to move forward through this. Even if someone with negative characteristics comes in front, there are no feelings of negativity as there is the power to accept and recognize their specialties. We are able to be beyond confusion and doubt when we have a big heart. We are never caught up with the problems but are very easily able to find a way out. We are able to very effectively and smoothly come out of any negative situation.

let we imagine if we could have those personality and characters, how wonderful we walk through this life..we can walk with full of joys and pureness without any fear to face any problems and any threat the could appears in front of us in a sudden

in summary, lets we try from now to learn how to be patient and have a big heart, in order we could enjoy the rest of our life