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Saturday, June 16, 2012


youth ages...hard to describe the truly meaning of that words everyone for sure has a different meaning to describe it, even me. but if we heard youth ages we will think about happy things, playing and chatting with friends, school and busy classes for sure. No meeting with bosses, no harsh chatting with clients and no increasing salary in our mind. Not all like that if we rethink what the youth ages is. Youth ages for me personally means someone who try to find out who they are and what they are looking for of the truth life. Growth with environment influences and how the environment treat them to find their goals. Free to choose what they want to do and what they want to be. look easy but hard to implement because this era was tough, choose the wrong direction and the results will come with bad as well. everyone has passed this way for sure but not all enjoyed and used that time wisely because if we didn't know how to use it we will passed it like we walked in the quiet street, no funny things and no bad things that will lead us to be a mature person. someone asked me once, what is the range age for the youth ages?? when the person asked me, my face change dramatically...hard to answer that kind of question.. anybody help me..please as the time passed, i try to answer, my answer is youth ages has no range age because me and others will have different answer of course. but the youth ages will end up if we have own family. that time means we have someone to take care instead of ourself, someone to be protected rather than protect ours. So, before we decide to have own family, then enjoy our youth ages with useful things and do the best for our environment and people around. lets spend our youth ages with a good things and useful for others and ourself

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Driver Taxi is my Life's Trainer (True Story)

Senin kemarin saya Sengaja “mengistirahatkan” driver yang selama ini setia menemani saya. Setelah jadwal training yang begitu padat saya khawatir ia jatuh sakit. Untuk memulihkan stamina, ia saya bebaskan mengantar saya. Hari itu, saya menggunakan jasa taxi, Blue Bird. Begitu saya naik taxi sang driver menyapa dengan kata-kata yang lembut dan bahasa tubuh yang mengesankan. Semakin saya ajak ngobrol, saya semakin “jatuh cinta” dengan driver itu. Dalam hati saya bergumam, “Pasti ada sesuatu di dalam diri driver ini sehingga pribadinya begitu mempesona. Saya ingin banyak belajar dengan driver ini.” Agar punya kesempatan yang lebih luas untuk ngobrol, driver ini saya ajak makan siang di salah satu restoran kesukaan saya di Bogor. Awalnya dia menolak, tetapi setelah saya “paksa” akhirnya ia bersedia menemani saya. Ketika saya tanya mau pesan apa, dia menjawab, “Terserah bapak.” Driver itu saya pesankan menu sama persis dengan pesanan saya: Sate kambing tanpa lemak dan sop kambing, masing-masing satu mangkok. Sebelum makan saya bertanya, “Tinggal dimana?” Dia menjawab, “Balaraja Tangerang.” “Berapa jam perjalanan ke pool?” sambung saya. Diapun menjawab, “Empat jam.” Saya terkejut, “Hah! Empat jam? Pergi pulang delapan jam. Kenapa gak nginep saja di pool?” Dia segera menjawab, “Saya harus menjaga ibu saya.” “Menjaga ibu?” batinku. Bagaimana mungkin menjaga ibu, sampai rumah jam 23.30 berangkat kerja jam 03.30 dini hari? Untuk mengurangi rasa penasaran, kemudian saya bertanya lagi, “Bukannya sampai rumah ibu sudah tidur, berangkat ibu belum bangun?” Dengan agak terbata dia menjawab, “Setiap saya berangkat ibu sudah bangun. Saya hanya ingin mencium tangan ibu setiap pagi sebelum berangkat kerja, sambil berdoa semoga saya bisa membahagiakan ibu.” Jawaban itu menusuk sanubariku, hanya sekedar mencium tangan ibu dan mendoakannya ia rela menempuh perjalanan delapan jam setiap hari. Sayapun ke belakang sejenak menghapus air mata yang mengalir di pipi. Kemudian saya bertanya lagi, “Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk membahagiakan ibu?” Dengan lembut ia menjawab, “Saya sudah daftarkan umroh di kantor.” “Maksudnya?” seru saya. Ia menjawab, “Kalau saya berprestasi dan tidak pernah mangkir kerja, saya berpeluang mendapat hadiah umroh dari kantor. Bila saya menang, hadiah umroh itu akan saya berikan kepada ibu tercinta.” Mendengar jawaban itu saya menarik napas panjang. Dengan nada agak bergetar ia melanjutkan, “Setiap hari saya pulang agar bisa mencium tangan ibu dan mendoakannya agar ia bisa pergi umroh. Saya benar-benar ingin membahagiakan ibu saya.” Mendengar jawaban itu, haru dan malu bercampur menjadi satu. Air matapun mengalir deras di pipiku. Malu karena pengorbananku untuk ibuku kalah jauh dengan driver taxi ini. Bila selama ini saya yang membuat peserta training berkaca-kaca. Hari ini Asep Setiawan, driver taxi itu, yang membuatku menangis tersedu. Dia telah menjadi trainer dalam kehidupanku. Ya, Asep Setiawan telah menjadi trainerku… bukan melalui kata-katanya tetapi melalui tindakannya. Salam SuksesMulia!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


one day, someone ask me...how do u measure ur own happiness?? this question was really shocked me...my mouth hard to speak up and my heart felt so empty. i didn't know how to answer that question. simple word but complicated meaning to describe. inside i can answer but didn't know how to say in a word. until today I'm still trying to look for what the meaning of happiness is and how to measure it. is happiness have own number to measure or it just a word to describe...ehmmmm...how to say and look for the meaning???? big question mark, isn't it!!!
in my personal opinion, happiness is the feeling inside of our own heart if we can solve or fix something. happiness could be measured by anything such as money, satisfaction, goods and any other materials depends on what problems we had. this words have wide meaning because every single person have their own opinion to describe the meaning of happiness. in this writing i try to share in my opinion. but its not the only one. happiness also have a meaning for our self because i read in one article which said that happiness came from our self not from any materials because if we can treat our self to be happy, we don't need any other things such as money, car, diamond to make us happy, so we can say that happiness is satisfaction, sort of like that. :-) this word also could describe the condition of our emotion because we can smile if we are happy and no expression when we are in problems no matter what the problems is. but in my personal, happiness means satisfaction that come up from my heart because we have to treat our self with good and if we to do so, the happiness will come and appear directly. Money and any other materials are just small part of happiness. the most important thing of happiness is emotion, feeling and heart. So, treat ur self and create ur emotion and heart to be happy. if we can create by our self, it means we are succeed to make own happiness. for me, thats the tools to measure the happiness how about you???share ur opinion with me....