The lazy days of summer are behind us, but that doesn’t mean we have to be swamped by school schedules or overwhelmed by other obligations. Take the following tips to live simply all year long.
Plan Meals Ahead of Time
There are a number of websites, cookbooks and other resources that offer weekly meal plans and even shopping lists to make getting dinner on the table a breeze. Why not make it a family affair? Get everyone together to make menu selections, clip coupons and cook the meals. While you’re at it double batches of freezable meals (think soup, stew or spaghetti) that you can pull out on soccer or meeting nights.
Skip TV Tonight
Find lost time by skipping a show or two this week. Use the extra hours to read a book, talk with your children or spouse, or rediscover the special joy of an activity you love.
Clarify Boundaries
Say “no” to those activities and people that drain you or take you away from the things that really matter. If reading your children a bedtime story or studying for your degree is what is important (these are what Stephen Covey calls your “big rocks”) put them in place first and then drop the “pebbles” (another committee meeting or TV show) around your priorities.
Keep a Calendar
Organize family schedules and events on a large wall calendar that keeps everyone informed.
Combine Trips and Chores
Keeping a to-do list helps you avoid extra trips and will save time and gas. Combine household chores and other responsibilities to make the best use of your time and energy. Or make it fun by turning up the music and telling roommates or family members you are all going to join in a 30-minute cleaning session.
Manage your Finances Online
Instead of the old envelope and stamp method you can pay your bills online with just a click. Better yet, consider signing up for automatic bill payment plans. You can set these up with individual creditors or with your financial institution.
Plan Daily Quiet Time
Use quiet time for prayer, meditation or reflection; whatever strategy that centers you and helps you stay focused on your life goals and priorities.

Source: bellaonline.com