apa sich arti kata itu sebenarnya...banyak orang mengartikanya dengan cara mereka sendiri,,kita hidup di dunia ini utk menghadapi segala yang sudah ditakdirkan oleh sang pencipta...hidup ini bagi gw seperti film yang biasa kita tonton di bioskop...kita sebagai peran utamanya dalam our own story...bedanya cuma kita sudah punya skenario dimana kita cuma menjalaninya aja..merubah skenario bagi gw mungkin bisa cuma tidak gampang..karena kita butuh usaha2 utk mengubah itu...
Life is a series of episodes. Each one teaches us fantastic things. Whether miserable, or wonderful, each experience helps us grow and mold ourselves along our journey. We learn through every step of the way. Life is not about reaching a destination. One may reach MANY destinations in life, possibly even thousands, but those are all part of the all encompassing journey that is life.
dari kita lahir sampai kita dewasa seperti skg...itu namanya perjalanan hidup..dimana sepanjang jalan itu kita banyak mengalami hal2 yang membuat kita tau apa itu hidup..bagiamana kita menghadapainya
dari kecil kita dibekali wejangan2 dan nasehat dari orang tua kita utk nantinya bisa berjalan sendiri dan tau kemana harus melangkah,,itu juga merupakan perjalanan hidup kita..layaknya uang saku utk sekolah..
BAIK DAN BURUK...SEDIH DAN SENANG...PERJUMPAAN DAN PERPISAHAN...itu merupakan pasangan2 serasi dalam hidup ini,,dimana kita selalu bertemu dengan pasangan2 itu.,,.mereka ada karena salah satu dari mereka exist di dunia kita...mereka tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lainnya..

dalam hidup ini pula kita menentukan kemana kita akan berjalan...seperti kita berjalan di suatu jalan...tentukan kemana langkahmu..karena itu akan membuatmu tau apa yang harus kau lakukan utk mendapatkannya...
dalam menggapai itu..banyak kerikil2 dan other obstacles will appear in a sudden..with our knowledge kita harus bisa mengatasinya..dan itu semua adalah proses utk kita berjalan dan meraih apa yang kita inginkan...
gw pernah menulis tentang gimana kita mencari kata bahagia menurut pengertian kita sendiri...perjalanan hidup ini juga merupakan bagian dari itu..hanya saja ini pengertian secara global...
We are all travelers. We all follow paths. Our destinations may not be the same but the way we get there is. We journey through life on a search for happiness and satisfaction. Sometimes we find it and sometimes we don't. There are signs along the way, which few people see. Those that do must choose between using them or discarding their advice. We come to many intersections, from the road to enlightenment to the path of destruction.

Choosing the right way to go is not always as easy as it may sound. The map of life is full of trickery and dark passages. It can leave you wandering aimlessly in no man's land if you take a wrong turn or give you a death sentence should you lose your way. A glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel does not always mean salvation. If your eyes are not open wide, you may not recognize the damnation. The masks worn by many disguise their true natures. At some point, you'll examine yourself and question your own sincerity. Those who do not may be the greatest fools of all.
That being said, a journey isn't just a voyage, walk, run, drive, or flight from one place to another. The passing of time is the biggest journey that any of us will undertake, and the best thing is, it's unavoidable. It is impossible to stop time, so you need to treat life as a journey because life is a journey. Sure, there are some destinations along the way, such as graduation, marriage, childbirth, and more, but when you get down to it, life is ever-changing and there's nothing you can do to stop it. I know this may seem obvious and clich, but your life is a journey up until its end.
Sometimes, though, you may end up in a completely different place